
We enable users to transfer their assets held at another provider into our accounts at WealthKernel. The transfers can be made in cash or in-specie, depending on the asset type and your proposition.

How does it work?
We are integrated with two online transfer services to ensure a smooth process for users to consolidate their investments across different providers into your service.  
Your client fills out a transfer request form with you.
You send us all the relevant information and we submit the transfer request to the ceding scheme.
We receive the client funds from the ceding scheme and match the cash to the client’s account to invest the funds.

We handle the heavy lifting

Our systems at WealthKernel are designed to handle the heavy lifting associated with transfer requests, allowing you to focus on user experience and reduce the need to spend manual resources on transfers.

Your users can benefit from a more convenient transfer process without having to navigate the complexities of transfers and different providers. This means your users get fast transfers, and you can offer electronic transfers without the operational burden.

Transfers for all your needs
We currently accept the following inbound and outbound transfers:
An icon showing GIA
Cross sign
IN: cash
Cross sign
OUT: cash
Cross sign
IN: specie
Cross sign
OUT: specie
Cross sign
An icon showing ISA
Correct sign
IN: cash
Correct sign
OUT: cash
Cross sign
IN: specie
Cross sign
OUT: specie
Cross sign
An icon showing JIRA
Correct sign
IN: cash
Correct sign
OUT: cash
Cross sign
IN: specie
Cross sign
OUT: specie
Cross sign
An icon showing SIPP
Correct sign
IN: cash
Correct sign
OUT: cash
Cross sign
IN: specie
Cross sign
OUT: specie
Cross sign
Frequently asked questions
Are there any front-end requirements for transfers?
How do we charge tenants for transfer?
What investments can be transferred in?